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EZ-SB-17-001, Page 1 of 7
Number: EZ-SB-17-001
Date: 24 April 2017
Subject: Testing and Evaluation Requirements for Utilization of an Equivalent Initial
Damage Size Method to Establish the Beneficial Effects of Cold Expanded
Holes for Development of the Damage Tolerance Initial Inspection Interval
1. JSSG-2006, “Joint Service Specification Guide Aircraft Structures”, 30 Oct 98
2. MIL-A-83444, “Airplane Damage Tolerance Requirements”, 2 Jul 74
3. EZ-SB-14-003, “Durability Test Programs to Validate Aircraft Structure Service Life
Capability for Repairs, Modifications, and Materials & Processes Changes”,
9 Apr 14
4. EZ-SB-13-002, “Correlating Durability Analysis to Unanticipated Fatigue Cracks in
Metallic Structure”, 26 Feb 13
5. ASTM E 647, “Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth
6. EN-SB-08-012 Rev. C, “In-Service Inspection Flaw Assumptions for Metallic
Structures”, 23 May 13
7. AFML-TR-74-198, “Reliability Assessment of Aircraft Structures Based on
Probabilistic Interpretation of the Scatter Factor”, Apr 75
Structures Bulletin
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