f“(’d . spa?. O-S-59 .%
August 7, 1952
s(m[liM I) ICI IROM.fTE. ~Il[yI)i{..fw.‘wxxmrc:il.
1. S(:01’1{ ,\Yl) (:l,,\SS1l’l(:, \TIOX
1. I %.{)pr. Ttlis specificatimi covers a tecl]l]irwl grade {d’ s{dium dicllromale.
1.2 ( II;wsilitw[ioll.
T}le sodiunl bichromate sII:III be of o~le Iy pe and grade
g, /f[)l)I,[(_’ARL~
2. I Sptitilit:llit)lls alKl St;l IldillYIS.
‘r i l e ftJlo\villg specili(:lti(}[ui illl(l slaIIdards, (J tlm issues ill eflm.t
011 (!;IlefJ illvil:ltioll f(w bifls or reqlle..l [(w pr(Jpos; ll, forfll il lutrl (J [Ile spet’ilit.iiti(~ll to tile
exlelil speciiied
Federal Specifications:
1.-l’-37Plasticic Shee( ami Strip (Polyolefill).
[ “1 ‘-S- l& —S;IckS, Sllippili:, Paper.
I’I’I’--(I -~[) I --cllemi(,als, Dry a]jd Ik,te, Pa(kagillg arid l)arking Of.
l’I’I’- I)-7O.3—lJr~1l]l: Nletal Sl)ippillg, Steel, (Over 1? Al)d [Tuder 55 Gallon).
1~1~1~-1)-7~3.-Drulns, Fiber.
1)1’1>-lJ-701-Pails, Metal: (Shipping, Steel, 1 Througl~ 12 Gallou).
Federal Standard:
I;ed. S[4{. NJo. 123—kIarking For Domestic Shipment (Civilian
Military Standards:
M II~SrI1-105—.%mplillg Procedures and Tubles ror Inspection by Attributes.
M I L-STL)-129-Markiug for Shipment and Storage.
M 11A3TD-147—l%dletimd and Containerimd [Jllit. Loads 40” x 4.8* 4-Way (Partial) Pallet Skids,
Runners, Or Pallet-Type B&e.
2.2 ol.her publicatitms. The following dwmn)ent for-rns a part of this spe(’itkatiotl to tile extet]t
spct>ifim{ I}ereill. [JIlless of,tlry}yise il)dic a ted, t]le iss ue itl effect or] date of illvitatiwl for bids or request
for proposal sl]all apply.
FSC 6810
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