Field Manual
*FM 9-13
No. 9-13
Washington, DC, 4 November 1986
A Guide for Ammunition Specialists
FM 9-13 is intended to serve as a ready reference for
ammunition specialists and supervisors during training
or when assigned to an ammunition support unit or
activity in the field. It is not to be considered a compre-
hensive textbook on ammunition, but it does provide
useful data on important points of ammunition service
support in the field. These data are equally applicable in
peacetime and wartime.
This manual covers safety, and the storage, main-
tenance, handling, receipt, issue, turn-in, destruction,
and transportation of ammunition in field storage
facilities. The requirements of this manual apply to unit,
commands, and installations of the US Army. They do
not apply to subcommands, installations, and activities
under direct control of the US Army Armament,
Munitions, and Center Command.
The proponent of this publication is HQ, TRADOC.
Submit changes for improving this publication on DA
Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and
Blank Forms). Forward to Commandant, US Army
Ordnance Missile and Munitions Center and School,
ATTN: ATSK-TPD, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35897-6600.
* This publication supersedes FM 9-13, 28 January 1981.