(with the Amendments and Addenda of November 29, 1996, January 10, 2003, March 5, August 22,
2004, February 2, December 18, 2006)
This law is directed at ensuring the legal regulation of space activities for the purpose of
developing the economy, science and technology, strengthening the defense and the security of the
Russian Federation and furthering the international cooperation of the Russian Federation.
In the Russian Federation the exploration and use of outer space, including the moon and other
celestial bodies is the highest priority of the state interests.
Section I. General Provisions
Article 1. Legal Regulation of Relationships in the Field of Space Activity
Relationships in the field of space activities are regulated in accordance with the Constitution of
the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international
agreements of the Russian Federation, by this law and other federal laws and normative legal acts of the
Russian Federation.
Article 2. The Meaning of Space Activity
1. For the purposes of this law by space activity it is understood to mean any activity connected
with direct conducting of work of exploration and use of outer space including the Moon and other
celestial bodies.
Fundamental types of space activities include:
scientific space exploration;
the use of space technology for communications, television and broadcasting;
distance sounding of theearth from space including ecological monitoring and meteorology;
use of satellite navigational and geodetic systems;
piloted space flights;
use of space equipment, space materials and space technology in the interests of defense and
security of the Russian Federation;
observation of objects and phenomena in space;
testing of equipment in space;
production in space of materials and other articles;
other types of activities being implemented with the help of space technology;
2. Space activities include the creation (including development, production and testing), the use
(exploitation) of space equipment, space materials and space technology and the rendering of other
services connected with space activities as well as other international collaborations of the Russian
Federation in the field of the exploration and use of space.
Article 3. Goals of Space Activity
The goals of space activity include:
helping the economic development of the state, increasing the well-being of the population of the
Russian Federation by means of rational and effective use of space equipment, space materials and
space technology as well as the expansion of the scope of their use;
strengthening and developing the scientific-technical and intellectual potential of space industry
and its infrastructure;
further improving and gathering of scientific knowledge of the earth, space and celestial bodies;
development and expansion of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the
interests of further integration of the Russian Federation into the system of world economic relations and
ensuring international security;
Article 4. Principles of Space Activity
1. Space activity shall be implemented in accordance with the following principles:
assistance in the promotion of peace and international security by means of the use of the
achievements of space science and technology;
expansion of the attraction of non-budgetary funds to space activities while retaining state control
over their use and guaranteeing the observation of the state interests of the Russian Federation;
ensuring the safety of space activity and protecting the environment;
equitable and mutually beneficial cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of space;
international responsibility of the Russian Federation for implementing space activities;
equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of