Presidential Documents
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 198 / Thursday, October 13, 2011 / Presidential Documents
Executive Order 13587 of October 7, 2011
Structural Reforms To Improve the Security of Classified
Networks and the Responsible Sharing and Safeguarding of
Classified Information
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the
laws of the United States of America and in order to ensure the responsible
sharing and safeguarding of classified national security information (classified
information) on computer networks, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. Our Nation’s security requires classified information to
be shared immediately with authorized users around the world but also
requires sophisticated and vigilant means to ensure it is shared securely.
Computer networks have individual and common vulnerabilities that require
coordinated decisions on risk management.
This order directs structural reforms to ensure responsible sharing and safe-
guarding of classified information on computer networks that shall be con-
sistent with appropriate protections for privacy and civil liberties. Agencies
bear the primary responsibility for meeting these twin goals. These structural
reforms will ensure coordinated interagency development and reliable imple-
mentation of policies and minimum standards regarding information security,
personnel security, and systems security; address both internal and external
security threats and vulnerabilities; and provide policies and minimum stand-
ards for sharing classified information both within and outside the Federal
Government. These policies and minimum standards will address all agencies
that operate or access classified computer networks, all users of classified
computer networks (including contractors and others who operate or access
classified computer networks controlled by the Federal Government), and
all classified information on those networks.
Sec. 2. General Responsibilities of Agencies.
Sec. 2.1. The heads of agencies that operate or access classified computer
networks shall have responsibility for appropriately sharing and safeguarding
classified information on computer networks. As part of this responsibility,
they shall:
(a) designate a senior official to be charged with overseeing classified
information sharing and safeguarding efforts for the agency;
(b) implement an insider threat detection and prevention program con-
sistent with guidance and standards developed by the Insider Threat Task
Force established in section 6 of this order;
(c) perform self-assessments of compliance with policies and standards
issued pursuant to sections 3.3, 5.2, and 6.3 of this order, as well as other
applicable policies and standards, the results of which shall be reported
annually to the Senior Information Sharing and Safeguarding Steering Com-
mittee established in section 3 of this order;
(d) provide information and access, as warranted and consistent with
law and section 7(d) of this order, to enable independent assessments by
the Executive Agent for Safeguarding Classified Information on Computer
Networks and the Insider Threat Task Force of compliance with relevant
established policies and standards; and
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