Vol. 1, No. 1
The Center for Cyberspace research was
established in March 2002. We conduct
defense focused research at the Master’s
and PhD levels. We are forward-looking
and responsive to the changing edu-
cational and research needs of the Air
Force, the DoD, and the federal govern-
ment. CCR was designated as a National
Security Agency (NSA) National Center
of Academic Excellence in Information
Assurance Education (CAE/IAE) in
2002, recertied in 2005 by the NSA and
the Department of Homeland Security,
and tentatively recertied in 2008. In
2005, we received national CyberCorp
Institution status from the National Sci-
ence Foundation.
The Center for Cyberspace Research
Dominance and Superiority in Cyberspace
Our strong research ties with AFCYBER
(P), Autonomic Trusted Sensing for Per-
sistent Intelligence Ofce at AFRL, the
NSA, the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA), the Air Force
Information Operations Center (AFIOC),
and the Air Force Communications Agen-
cy (AFCA) is unique among institutions
conducting cyber research. We conduct
both classied and unclassied research;
faculty and students hold security clear-
ances and can conduct research at the Top
Secret/SCI level.
CCR faculty possesses a wealth of knowl-
edge and experience in communications,
networking, and information security
gained through DoD operational assign-
ments before joining the faculty. Be sure
to read the “Faculty Focus” article on Ma-
jor Paul Williams inside.
Our graduate Cyber Operations and Cyber
Warfare programs support one of the fed-
eral government’s and DoD’s most critical
missions – Computer Network Operations
(CNO). DoD component element missions
require rapid development and response
on a global scale, our graduates therefore,
must understand the technical and mana-
gerial roles associated with these complex
cyber mission requirements. CCR gradu-
March 2008
CCR Recent Research Awards
Air Force Information
Operations Center
In a recent agreement between CCR and the Air Force Informa-
tion Operations (AFIOC), CCR will provide the AFIOC with
technical support in Information Operations and cyberspace.
CCR will also provide technical support and consultation to
AFIOC/IO in (1) US and adversary vulnerability analysis; (2)
exploratory research and evaluation of new technologies in in-
formation and cyber operations; (3) concept development; and
(4) technical interchange meetings, lectures, and presentations
by CCR subject matter experts. For more information on this
effort contact Dr. Robert Mills, 937-255-3636 x4527, robert.
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
Cybercraft Initiative
The goal of the Air Force Research Laboratory Cybercraft proj-
ect is to operationalize cyber capabilities. CCR will support the
Cybercraft project by participation in workshops, a Cybercraft
workshop CCR is hosting in April 2008, as faculty consultants,
and as research partners in several specic focus areas includ-
ing mapping and visualization, software engineering, protocol
design and verication, articial intelligence, strategic design
and analysis, and cyber operations. CCR will provide a full
spectrum of consulting and research services across nearly ev-
ery aspect of the project. For more information contact Lt Col
Jeffrey McDonald, 937-255-3636 x4639, jeffrey.mcdonald@