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EN-SB-12-001 Page 1 of 5
Number: EN-SB-12-001
Date: 25 April 2012
Subject: Requirements for Evaluation and Authorization of Digital Radiography for
Inspection of Aerospace Castings
1. JSSG-2006, Department of Defense, Joint Service Specification Guide, Aircraft
Structures, 30 October 1998.
2. JSSG-2009, Department of Defense, Joint Service Specification Guide, Air Vehicle
Subsystems, 30 October 1998.
3. JSSG-2007C, Department of Defense, Joint Service Specification Guide, Engines,
Aircraft, Turbine, 10 June 2011.
4. Military Standard, “Castings, Classification and Inspection of”, MIL-STD-2175A, 25
August 1993
5. SAE Aerospace, Aerospace Material Specification, Castings, Classification and
Inspection of, SAE AMS2175, June 2010.
6. Military Standard, “Inspection, Radiographic”, MIL-STD-453, 27 Dec 1984
7. ASTM International, Standard Practice for Radiographic Examination,
E1742/E1742M -11, January 2011.
8. ASTM International, Standard Practice for Radioscopy, E 1255 – 09, July 2009.
9. ASTM International, Standard Practice for Radioscopic Examination of Castings,
E1734-09, July 2009.
10. Metals Affordability Program, “Guidelines for the Use of Digital Detector Arrays and
Computed Radiology for Aerospace Casting Inspections”, 18 Aug 2011
This standard was replaced with SAE-AMS-2175.
This standard was replaced with ASTM E1742.
This document is available from AFRL/RXSA and has been submitted to ASTM for
review in committee E07 as WK30625.
Structures Bulletin
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