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EN-SB-12-002 Page 1 of 14
Number: EN-SB-12-002
Date: 27 June 2012
Subject: Methodology to Establish Bird Strike Design Criteria
1. JSSG-2006, “Joint Service Specification Guide – Aircraft Structures,” Department
of Defense, 30 October 1998.
2. Lawrence, James H., Coker, Murl J., “Windshield Bird Strike Structural Design
Criteria”, McDonnell Douglas Corporation, AFFDL-TR-73-103, October 1973.
3. Halpin, John C., Griffin, John M., Jackson, K. Terry, “An Analytical Methodology
to Predict Potential Aircraft Losses Due to Canopy Birdstrikes”, Aeronautical
Systems Division, April 1980.
4. Berens, A. P., West, B. S., Bowman, D. R., “A Probabilistic Model for Evaluating
Birdstrike Threat to Aircraft Crew Enclosures”, University of Dayton Research
Institute, UDR-TR-89-92, November 1989.
5. Gonzalez, Jorge F., “ATF Birdstrike Requirements Analytical Methodology”
Aeronautical Systems Division, December 1989.
6. MIL-STD-1530C, “Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP)” Department of
Defense, 1 November 2005.
A review of the bird strike design criteria contained in Joint Service Specification Guide
(JSSG) 2006 “Aircraft Structures” (Ref. 1) indicated an update was necessary to clarify
the process for establishing the bird strike design criteria. The existing bird strike criteria
in JSSG-2006 contain both deterministic and probabilistic methodologies but does not
provide either guidance on implementation or recommend a preferred methodology.
This structures bulletin provides the missing guidance and supersedes the criteria in
JSSG-2006 until the document is updated to incorporate the content of this bulletin.
Structures Bulletin
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