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EZ-SB-16-001, Page 1 of 8
Number: EZ-SB-16-001
Date: 3 February 2016
Subject: Aircraft Structure Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) Planning,
Development, and Implementation
1. AFI 62-601, “USAF Airworthiness”, 11 June 2010
2. Department of Defense Standard Practice, MIL-STD-1530C, “Aircraft Structural
Integrity Program”, 1 November 2005
3. EN-SB-09-001, “Methodology for Determination of Equivalent Flight Hours and
Approaches to Communicate Usage Severity”, 15 June 2009
4. EN-SB-11-001, “Guidance on Correlating Finite Element Models to Measurements
from Structural Ground Tests”, 24 June 2011
5. EZ-SB-15-001, “Aircraft Structure Teardown Inspection and Evaluation Program
Protocols”, 30 January 2015
6. EZ-SB-13-002, “Correlating Durability Analysis to Unanticipated Fatigue Cracks in
Metallic Structure”, 26 February 2013
7. EZ-SB-14-003, “Durability Test Programs to Validate Aircraft Structure Service Life
Capability for Repairs, Modifications, and Materials & Processes Changes, 9 April
8. JSSG-2006, “Joint Service Specification Guide Aircraft Structures”, 30 October
Reference 1 states that each aircraft type design shall have a service life limit (SLL)
established, approved and documented in the Military Type Certificate (MTC) and that
the SLL shall be included in the Military Certificate of Airworthiness (MCA) issued for
each individual aircraft within a type design. The efforts required to increase the SLL
are typically referred to as a SLEP and Reference 1 states that SLEPs shall be
considered reportable modifications for purposes of airworthiness certification. The SLL
documented in the MTC and MCA has been simplified to certified service life (CSL) for
use throughout this document.
Structures Bulletin
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