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EZ-SB-18-01, Page 1 of 6
Number: EZ-SB-18-01
Date: 20 April 2018
Subject: Structural Certification Plans for Changes with the Potential to Impact
Aircraft Structural Integrity
1. MIL-STD-1530, “Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP)”
2. AFPD 62-6, “USAF Airworthiness”
3. AWB-1015, “Airworthiness Process for Deploying New or Substitute Materials,
Processes, and Product Forms”
4. EZ-SB-13-001, “Material, Product Form, and Process Substitution Guidelines for
Metallic Components”
5. AWB-003A, “Tailored Airworthiness Certification Criteria/Modification Airworthiness
Certification Criteria (TACC/MACC) Document Approval Process”
6. ENFS-SB-05-002, “Joint USAF/USN Aircraft Strength Flight Release Methodology”
MIL-STD-1530 (Ref. 1) establishes the requirement for structural certification updates
during the aircraft force management execution phase. The purpose of this Structures
Bulletin (SB) is to establish a process for executing this requirement after initial
Airworthiness Certification is obtained from the Technical Airworthiness Authority in
accordance with AFPD 62-6 (Ref. 2).
AWB-1015 (Ref. 3) establishes the Airworthiness process for aircraft material and
process substitutions with the potential to impact aircraft structural integrity. AWB-1015
states to use EZ-SB-13-001 (Ref. 4) during the evaluation of these design and process
changes and characterizes the technical and programmatic risk for each change. All of
these aircraft design and process changes should be supported by a structural
certification plan (SCP). In addition, other changes with the potential to impact aircraft
structural integrity as described above should be supported by an SCP.
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