Updated May 31, 2022
Department of Defense Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), commonly called
drones, have proliferated rapidly and are available to nation
states and to nonstate actors and individuals. These systems
could provide U.S. adversaries with a low-cost means of
conducting intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
missions against—or attacking—U.S. forces. Furthermore,
many smaller UASs cannot be detected by traditional air
defense systems due to their size, construction material, and
flight altitude. As a result, in FY2023, the Department of
Defense (DOD) plans to spend at least $668 million on
counter-UAS (C-UAS) research and development and at
least $78 million on C-UAS procurement. As DOD
continues to develop, procure, and deploy these systems,
congressional oversight of their use may increase, and
Congress may have to make decisions about future
authorizations, appropriations, and other legislative actions.
C-UAS Technology
C-UAS can employ a number of methods to detect the
presence of hostile or unauthorized UAS. The first is using
electro-optical, infrared, or acoustic sensors to detect a
target by its visual, heat, or sound signatures, respectively.
A second method is to use radar systems. However, these
methods are not always capable of detecting small UAS due
to the limited signatures and size of such UAS. A third
method is identifying the wireless signals used to control
the UAS, commonly using radio frequency sensors. These
methods can be—and often are—combined to provide a
more effective, layered detection capability.
Once detected, the UAS may be engaged or disabled.
Electronic warfare “jamming” can interfere with a UAS’s
communications link to its operator. Jamming devices can
be as light as 5 to 10 pounds and therefore man-portable
(see Figure 1), or as heavy as several hundred pounds and
in fixed locations or mounted on vehicles. UAS can also be
neutralized or destroyed using guns, nets, directed energy,
traditional air defense systems, or even trained animals such
as eagles. DOD is developing and procuring a number of
different C-UAS technologies to try to ensure a robust
defensive capability.
Air Force
The Air Force is testing high-powered microwaves and
lasers—both forms of directed energy—for C-UAS
missions. For example, in October 2019, the Air Force
received delivery of a vehicle-mounted C-UAS prototype—
the High-Energy Laser Weapon System (HELWS)—that
will undergo a year-long overseas field test. HELWS is
intended to identify and neutralize hostile or unauthorized
UAS in seconds and, when connected to a generator, to
provide “a nearly infinite number of shots.” As stated in its
2016 Small UAS Flight Plan, the Air Force may
additionally pursue airborne C-UAS options, although the
status of such efforts is unclear.
Figure 1. Man-Portable Counter-UAS Technology
In 2014, the Navy fielded the first—and, to date, only—
operational directed-energy weapon, the Laser Weapon
System (LaWS), aboard the USS Ponce (LPD-15). LaWS is
a 30-kilowatt laser prototype capable of performing a C-
UAS mission. The Navy also plans to deploy ODIN, an
optical dazzler that interferes with UAS sensors, and
HELIOS, a 60-kilowatt laser, aboard the USS Preble
(DDG-88) in 2021. Both systems are intended to protect
U.S. assets from UAS attacks. In addition, in a March 28,
2019, memorandum, the Department of the Navy
announced that it would be partnering with the Defense
Digital Service to “rapidly develop new [cyber-enabled] C-
UAS products to address the evolving UAS threats.”
Marine Corps
The Marine Corps funds a number of C-UAS systems
through its Ground Based Air Defense (GBAD) program
office. For example, in 2019, the Corps completed overseas
tests of the Marine Air Defense Integrated System
(MADIS), which employs jamming and guns. The system
can be mounted on MRZR all-terrain vehicles, Joint Light
Tactical Vehicles, and other platforms (see Figure 2). In
July 2019, Marines aboard the USS Boxer (LHD-4) used
MADIS to neutralize an Iranian UAS that was deemed to be
within “threatening range” of the ship. As part of GBAD,
the Marine Corps is also procuring the Compact Laser
Weapons System (CLaWS), the first DOD-approved
ground-based laser. This system—which reportedly comes
in variants of 2-, 5-, and 10-kilowatts—is also in use by the
Army. Although the Marine Corps has experimented with
man-portable C-UAS technologies, now-Commandant of
the Marine Corps David Berger testified to Congress in