July 12, 2018
Military Transition Assistance Program (TAP): An Overview
The military Transition Assistance Program (TAP) was
established by Congress in the National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 1991 (P.L. 101-
510). The original purpose of the program was to help ease
the transition to civilian life for military servicemembers
who were involuntarily separated as part of the force
structure drawdowns of the late 1980s. From 1991 to 2011,
Congressional interest in the program remained high,
particularly in regard to troops who served in combat in
Iraq and Afghanistan.
In 2011, Congress passed the VOW (Veterans Opportunity
to Work) to Hire Heroes Act (Title II of P.L. 112-56),
which made a pre-separation counseling program
mandatory for all servicemembers with at least 180
continuous days of active duty. Current law requires
servicemembers to begin participating in TAP as soon as
possible during the 24-month period preceding an
anticipated retirement date or 12-month period preceding
the anticipated separation date. It also specifies that pre-
separation counseling should commence no later than 90
days before the date of discharge or release unless
precluded by unanticipated circumstances or operational
In 2011 the Obama Administration established the
Veterans’ Employment Initiative Task Force with the
Departments of Defense (DOD) and Veterans Affairs (VA)
and charged the task force with redesigning TAP. The
redesigned Transition GPS (Goals, Plans, Success) program
includes a Military Life Cycle component that starts
preparing the service member for civilian transition at the
beginning of his or her military career and at certain
milestones (e.g., promotion, deployment) throughout that
career. At each of these milestones, servicemembers are
made aware of Career Readiness Standards (CRSs) and are
given opportunities to review and adjust personal financial
planning objectives and individual development plans. Over
time, Congress has also increased the number and scope of
required TAP counseling topics (see Table 1).
Program Administration
DOD administers TAP in cooperation with the Departments
of Veterans Affairs (VA), Labor (DOL), Education,
Homeland Security (DHS), Small Business Administration
(SBA), and Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
Officials from these agencies participate in TAP Executive
Council and Senior Steering Group meetings on a regular
basis. DOD’s Transition to Veterans Program Office
(TVPO) within the Office of the Secretary of Defense is the
principal oversight body for the military departments and
components in the development, management oversight,
and strategic planning of TAP.
Table 1. Statutory TAP Counseling Requirements
Creation of a transition plan for educational, training,
employment, and financial objectives of the member and spouse.
Educational assistance benefits.
Availability of relocation assistance services and other benefits
and services available to persons leaving military service.
VA compensation and vocational rehabilitation benefits if
member is being medically separated or is receiving a disability
Health-related topics:
Availability of medical and dental coverage following
separation from active duty, including the opportunity to
elect into the conversion health policy.
Effect of career change on individuals and their families and
availability of suicide prevention resources (member and
Availability of mental health services and treatment of post-
traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, depression,
suicidal ideations, or other mental health conditions
associated with service in the armed forces.
A description of VA health care and other benefits.
Career and employment topics*:
Civilian occupations and related assistance programs.
Procedure for affiliating with Selected Reserve.
Priority of service for veterans in the receipt of
employment, training, and placement services provided
under qualified job training programs of the DOL.
Veterans small business ownership and entrepreneurship
programs of the SBA.
Veterans preference in Federal employment and Federal
procurement opportunities.
Employment and reemployment rights and obligations.