Amy Belasco wrote the legislative history and funding analysis, Dan Else compiled Tables A-1 and
A-2 with the legislative authorities governing military construction, and Kenneth Katzman,
Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, provided information on the roles of the facilities mentioned
in this memo.
See H.Rept. 109-16, p. 32-33 and S. Rept. 109-52, p.31-36.
Congressional Research Service Washington, D.C. 20540-7000
This memorandum was prepared to enable distribution to more than one congressional client.
Memorandum April 11, 2005
SUBJECT: Military Construction in Support of Afghanistan and Iraq
FROM: Amy Belasco and Daniel Else
Specialists in National Defense
Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade Division
This memorandum analyzes funding received or requested for projects to support U.S.
military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, describes recent changes in the Department of
Defense’s authorities governing military construction projects in response to the wars and
occupations of those countries, and outlines several potential issues for Congress.
In the FY2005 Supplemental, DOD is requesting $1.0 billion for military construction
to support Afghanistan and Iraq either in-country or in surrounding countries. That amount
compares to the $912 million in funding for military construction for those purposes in
previous supplementals since the 9/11 attacks.
Since that time, Congress has also provided DOD with additional flexibility to initiate
military construction projects – without advance authorization – in order for DOD to move
more quickly to meet wartime needs. At the same time, the committees have voiced
concerns about insufficient or lack of information from DOD about the use of funds for
construction projects in Iraq and Afghanistan and the whether all projects rejected qualify as
emergency spending.
Potential Issues for Congress
With the new request for additional funding for military construction in the FY2005
Supplemental, Congress faces several potential issues: