References: See Enclosure H.
1. Purpose. This manual sets forth procedures for the development of joint
doctrine in support of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, implementing
the responsibility to "develop and establish doctrine for the joint employment of
the Armed Forces" as directed in references a and b and as established in
reference c.
2. Cancellation. None.
3. Applicability. The procedures herein apply to the Joint Staff, Services,
Combatant Commands, combat support agencies, and any organization
involved in the development of joint doctrine.
4. Procedures. Detailed procedures for the development and staffing of joint
doctrine are provided in the enclosures.
5. Summary. The information contained in Enclosures B, E, F, and G was
previously published in reference c. This manual separates the joint doctrine
development process from the policy in reference c, which establishes the role
of joint doctrine and explains the responsibilities of the Joint Staff, Combatant
Commands, Services, and combat support agencies for joint doctrine
development. Enclosures C and D provide information on the key doctrine
element (KDE) framework and use of the Joint Doctrine Development Tool
(JDDT), respectively.
6. Releasability. This manual is approved for public release; distribution is
unlimited. DOD components (to include the combatant commands), other
Federal agencies, and the public may obtain copies of this manual through the