Estimating Business Impact of Cyberattacks
Twenty-Seventh Americas Conference on Information Systems, Montreal, 2021 1
AMCIS: Estimating the Business Impact of
Cyberattacks on Organizations
TREO Talk Paper
The George Washington University
Cyber Security and Privacy Research Institut
The George Washington University
Cyber Security and Privacy Research Institut
The George Washington University
The importance of cybersecurity has increased in recent years and more and more organizations have to
invest in cybersecurity. The problem organizations face is in determining how large an investment they
need to make. A number of studies have tried to address this by using cybersecurity risk analysis and using
it to help determine the amount of investment. In this research we propose an model for cybersecurity
investment based on the business impact of cyberattacks. Our model focuses on the mechanism of
cyberattacks and identifies the critical factors that have a significant impact on the organization’s business.
To improve the accuracy of the prediction, we continue to research the previous studies and gather more
case studies to enhance and validate this model.
The overview of the model and estimation results
In our research we start by analyzing and evaluating the business impact of cyberattacks. To analyze the
impact, we examine the current cybersecurity risk analysis literature, and postulate a sequence of
cyberattack events and their effect on businesses as shown in Figure 1. Cyberattacks are identified as
security incidents, security incidents have a business impact, and the business impact result in financial
losses. Next, we examine what type of factors affect this sequence of events. Based on the general
characteristics of each phase, three assumptions can be derived from figure 1, (a) lower cybersecurity
preparedness has a higher likelihood of a significant security incident. (b) higher the dependence of an
organization on information technology, bigger is the business interruption. (c) larger the organization size,
more significant is the business interruption. Then, we identified the factors in Table 1 which can
quantitatively represent the assumed relationship in the model. By using these factors, we propose a
mathematical model which estimates the possible negative business impact of business interruption.
Figure. 1 The sequence of cyberattack cause business impact Table. 1 The factors of estimation equation
: = ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙
Table. 2 The empirical evidence
Figure. 2 Estimation results
Table.2 provides an example of fitting a
real case to the model. Figure 2 shows
the comparison of the estimation
results and real data from annual
reports of organizations.
We plan to enhance and validate this
model using additional data and case