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Open for Public Release
A Fast Running Model for Lethality due to Wall Debris Throw from Above Ground Magazines
Peter O. Kummer; Bienz, Kummer & Partner Ltd.; Zurich, Switzerland
on behalf of the Swiss Department of Defence, General Secretariat DDPS - Information Security and Facility
Protection ISFP
Keywords: Wall Debris Throw, Lethality, Reinforced Concrete Magazine, Fast Running Model (FRM), LambdaT
Klotz Group Engineering Tool (KG-ETool)
The Klotz Group (KG) is an international group of experts on explosives safety from eight nations. The main aim of
the KG is to improve the knowledge of explosion effects associated with the storage, processing and transport of
ammunition and explosives, and to develop associated engineering models (computer codes) that enable the quanti-
fication of these effects as a basis for consequence and risk analysis. One of the main achievements of the KG is the
development of the KG-EngineeringTool (KG-ETool) that allows a detailed calculation of debris throw from above
ground structures.
Switzerland, as a founding member of the KG, uses this tool as a basis for the development of a new Fast Running
Model (FRM) for the calculation of the lethality of people due to debris throw from walls of above ground rein-
forced concrete ammunition and explosives storage magazines (PES). This paper describes the FRM and its devel-
opment. Discussed are the general methodology for developing a lethality model, the main factors influencing wall
debris throw and comparisons of the output of the FRM with results from recent model and full scale tests.
1. Background
2. Aim
3. Methodology
4. Development of the Fast Running Model (FRM)
4.1 Relevant Parameters
4.2 General Procedure
4.3 Examples
5. The Final Wall Debris Lethality Model
5.1 People in the Open on Flat Terrain
5.2 Sloped Terrain and Lethality of People Inside Buildings
5.3 Range of Validity
6. Comparison with the Current Swiss Model, Test Data and
Calculations with the KG-ETool
7. Summary and Future Work
Presented at the "2018 International Explosives Safety Symposium & Exposition" of the National Defense Industrial
Association (NDIA), August 06 - 09, 2018, San Diego, California, USA