Small Quantities For Research And Laboratories (SQRL) Test Program
Michelle Crull, PE, PhD; US Army Engineering & Support Center, Huntsville; Huntsville, AL
Susan Hamilton, PE; US Army Engineering & Support Center, Huntsville; Huntsville, AL
Keywords: Laboratory quantities, testing, quantity distance, explosives siting, small quantities
Establishing reduced quantity-distance (QD) criteria in DoDM 6055.09, DoD Ammunition and
Explosives Safety Standards, for laboratory-scale explosives operations has been identified as a
high priority by the Service Members of the Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board
(DDESB). Current QD values in DoDM 6055.09 may be overly conservative and are not well
anchored to actual test data at very low charge weights. Current Service criteria in this area are
either silent or unsubstantiated by analysis or test data. This led to the development of the Small
Quantities for Research and Laboratories (SQRL) test program.
The SQRL Phase I testing was designed to determine the maximum net explosive weight (NEW)
which would not cause breaching of the laboratory walls of a specific facility. Wall construction
was 5/8” sheetrock on 6” metal studs with batt insulation filling the wall cavities. Tests were
performed in a 3666 cu. ft. room with the explosives at 12” and 36” standoffs from the wall. As
a result of these tests, a 50 g charge was sited with a 0 ft QD exterior to the laboratory.
The SQRL Phase II tests were designed to determine if the debris distance for small quantities
(i.e., < 250g (0.5 lb)) can be reduced from the required 200 foot minimum. As a “worst case”,
the walls tested were ½” sheetrock on standard 2” x 4” wood framing. A standard concrete
masonry unit (CMU) wall was also tested to determine debris hazard.
Four goals were identified and each related to a facet of QD criteria and the expected form of the
resultant QD criteria.
Goal 1: Determine the maximum Net Explosive Weight (NEW) which does not result in
breaching a sheetrock wall at a 12” standoff.
Expected QD Criteria: For a 12” standoff distance, the maximum NEW for which the QD
outside the laboratory is 0 ft.
Goal 2: Determine the debris and overpressure hazards from a sheetrock wall due to an
explosion of 250 g at a 12” standoff for a room of at least 1000 cu. ft.
Expected QD Criteria: For a lightweight (e.g., sheetrock, lightweight metal, etc) wall with a 12”
standoff in a laboratory that is at least 1000 cu. ft., Inhabited Building Distance (IBD) is the
greater of the 1.2 psi overpressure distance and the debris distance determined by testing, Public
Traffic Routed Distance (PTRD) is 60% of IBD, and Intraline Distance (ILD) is the 3.5 psi
overpressure distance.