Citation: Yuan, X.; Wang, B.; Guan,
X.; Wang, Y.; Chemsi, O.; Zhang, J.;
Chen, X. Construction of
Safety-Management Platform for
Chemical Enterprises Based on the
Immune System Model. Appl. Sci.
2022, 12, 5522. https://doi.org/
Academic Editor: Jeong Ik Lee
Received: 7 April 2022
Accepted: 26 May 2022
Published: 29 May 2022
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Construction of Safety-Management Platform for Chemical
Enterprises Based on the Immune System Model
Xiongjun Yuan
, Bingjie Wang
, Xin Guan
, Yuqin Wang
, Othmane Chemsi
, Jiaxuan Zhang
and Xiaoyu Chen
School of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China;
yxj@cczu.edu.cn (X.Y.); TS21120142P31@cumt.edu.cn (B.W.); guan@cumt.edu.cn (X.G.);
TS19120032A31TM@cumt.edu.cn (Y.W.); othmanechemsicumt@gmail.com (O.C.);
16194878@cumt.edu.cn (J.Z.)
School of Environmental and Safety Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China
* Correspondence: cxy@cumt.edu.cn
Identifying risk factors and improving safety “immunity” is beneficial to chemical enter-
prises to reduce the occurrence of production accidents. In this paper, an immune system model
has been built according to the bionics principle, and the corresponding antigen–antibody index
system based on hidden dangers and treatment measures has been established, including 8 factor
layers and 33 index layers. Then, the immune evaluation model of production safety was built
using index weight, and an evaluation model of immune response ability for production safety was
constructed based on grey system theory. Finally, aiming to identify immune deficiency through nu-
merical analysis, a safety-management platform focused on people management, visual monitoring,
and danger warning was constructed. The results verify the suitability of the immune correlation
principle applied in chemical enterprises, which makes an instructive contribution to the construction
of information management platforms for chemical enterprise safety production.
chemical enterprise; accident risk; immune system model; safety-management platform;
grey system theory
1. Introduction
With the development of the world economy, chemical industry has become an im-
portant pillar industry of national economy. Although the chemical industry brings huge
economic benefits, due to complex production process and various raw materials and
waste products, serious accidents often occur. Statistically, from 2006 to 2015, there were
125 production
safety accidents in chemical enterprises in China, resulting in 542 deaths,
438 injuries, and 21 missing persons, with an average of 12.5 chemical production accidents
per year, and an average of 54.2 deaths per year due to chemical production accidents [
These data reveal deficiencies in the safety management and monitoring systems of the
industry, as well as the lack of safety awareness and professional abilities among employ-
ees [
]. At the same time, the expansion of the chemical enterprises makes it impossible
to correctly predict the trend of accidents, which can result in uncontrolled risks and
hidden dangers.
Since the 1970s, researchers have made a lot of progress in immune system research.
Farme et al. firstly introduced the concept of immunity and opened the prelude to the ap-
plication of immune systems in the engineering field [
]. Varela put forward the viewpoint
that immune systems adapted to different situations by producing different antibodies and
mutations, laying a foundation for solving engineering problems by applying immune
mechanisms [
]. Dasgupta et al. showed unprecedented research on artificial immune
systems in the field of information intelligence [
]. Shi et al. [
] made a comprehensive com-
parison and analysis between immune systems and emergency management, and proposed
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5522. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12115522 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci