Citation: Esiefarienrhe, B.M.;
Phakathi, T.; Lugayizi, F. Node-Based
QoS-Aware Security Framework for
Sinkhole Attacks in Mobile Ad-Hoc
Networks. Telecom 2022, 3, 407–432.
Academic Editor:
Received: 10 May 2022
Accepted: 22 June 2022
Published: 29 June 2022
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Node-Based QoS-Aware Security Framework for Sinkhole
Attacks in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Bukohwo Michael Esiefarienrhe * , Thulani Phakathi and Francis Lugayizi
MaSIM, Computer Science and IS Department, North-West University, Mahikeng 2735, South Africa;
katshego@gmail.com (T.P.); francis.lugayizi@nwu.ac.za (F.L.)
* Correspondence: 25840525@nwu.ac.za; Tel.: +27-(0)-838650429
Most networks strive to provide good security and an acceptable level of performance.
Quality of service (QoS) plays an important role in the performance of a network. Mobile ad hoc
networks (MANETs) are a decentralized and self-configuring type of wireless network. MANETs
are generally challenging and the provision of security and QoS becomes a huge challenge. Many
researchers in literature have proposed parallel mechanisms that investigate either security or QoS.
This paper presents a security framework that is QoS-aware in MANETs using a network protocol
called optimized link state routing protocol (OLSR). Security and QoS targets may not necessarily
be similar but this framework seeks to bridge the gap for the provision of an optimal functioning
MANET. The framework is evaluated for throughput, jitter, and delay against a sinkhole attack
presented in the network. The contributions of this paper are (a) implementation of a sinkhole attack
using OLSR, (b) the design and implementation of a lightweight-intrusion detection system using
OLSR, and (c) a framework that removes fake routes and bandwidth optimization. The simulation
results revealed that the QoS-aware framework increased the performance of the network by more
than 70% efficiency in terms of network throughput. Delay and jitter levels were reduced by close to
85% as compared to when the network was under attack.
Keywords: routing protocols; MANETs; sinkhole attack; QoS in MANET
1. Introduction
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-organizing and self-healing autonomous
system that consists of a loosely connected set of self-configuring nodes connected via
a wireless medium. MANETs have become one of the most prevalent areas of research
in recent years because of the challenges they pose to the related protocols and are still
regarded as an emerging technology that enables network users to interact without any
central infrastructure regardless of their geographical location. That is why it is sometimes
referred to as an infrastructure-less network [
]. MANETs have been an active area of
research for the last few years and their growth is promoted by the urgent need to provide
the users with networks that are convenient to use and manage [
]. MANETs are primarily
useful in military and other tactical applications such as emergency rescue or exploration
missions [
]. Their existence stretches back to the 1970s where they were used in the military,
meaning that they are not a new concept, and their commercial success has been due to
advances in wireless technology. Standards have been developed for routing in MANETs.
The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) regulates the new group for MANETs. The
IEEE standard 802.11 has contributed to research interest in MANETs [
]. What contributes
to their continued growth is the making of smaller and faster devices and this makes
MANETs the fastest growing networking area. The mobility of nodes, however, is rapid
and unpredictable over time. MANETs, like all wireless networks, are more vulnerable to
attacks and weaknesses as compared to wired networks. The limitations of the wireless
medium become especially severe in multi-hop networks, where multimedia streams are
Telecom 2022, 3, 407–432. https://doi.org/10.3390/telecom3030022 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/telecom