U.S. Department of Energy ORDER
Washington, D.C.
DOE O 420.1B
Approved: 12-22-05
Review: 12-22-07
1. OBJECTIVES. To establish facility and programmatic safety requirements for
Department of Energy (DOE), including the National Nuclear Security Administration
(NNSA), for—
a. nuclear and explosives safety design criteria,
b. fire protection,
c. criticality safety,
d. natural phenomena hazards (NPH) mitigation, and
e. the System Engineer Program.
2. CANCELLATION. This Order cancels DOE O 420.1A, Facility Safety, dated 05-20-02.
Cancellation of an Order does not, by itself, modify or otherwise affect any contractual
obligation to comply with such an Order. Contractor requirements documents (CRDs)
containing directive requirements already incorporated into, or attached to, a contract
remain in effect until the contract is modified to eliminate the existing requirement or
substitute a new set of requirements.
a. DOE Elements. Except for the exclusions in paragraph 3c, this Order applies to
all DOE elements with responsibility for DOE-owned or -leased facilities. (See
Attachment 1 for a complete list of DOE elements as of the date of this Order.
This Order automatically applies to DOE elements created after that date.)
Except for the exclusions in paragraph 3c, the requirements in this Order apply to
the types of DOE facilities established in the applicability paragraphs of each
chapter of this Order.
The requirements in this Order are applicable to Department employees. Failure
to include comparable requirements in contracts does not relieve Department
employees of responsibilities in this Order.
The NNSA Administrator will ensure that NNSA employees and contractors
comply with their respective responsibilities under this Order.
b. DOE Contractors.
(1) The CRD (Attachment 2) sets forth requirements that are to be
applied to contractors with responsibility for the design,
construction, management,
www.directives.doe.gov Office of Environment, Safety and Health
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