All Departmental Elements Office of Management, Budget and
Evaluation/Chief Financial Officer
U.S. Department of Energy ORDER
Washington, D.C.
Approved: 9-24-03
This directive was reviewed and certified as current and necessary by James T. Campbell, Acting
Director, Office of Management, Budget and Evaluation/Acting Chief Financial Officer, 9-24-03.
1. OBJECTIVE. Establish a corporate, holistic, and performance-based approach to real
property life-cycle asset management that links real property asset planning,
programming, budgeting, and evaluation to program mission projections and
performance outcomes. To accomplish the objective, this Order identifies
requirements and establishes reporting mechanisms and responsibilities for real
property asset management. This Order implements Department of Energy (DOE)
P 580.1, Management Policy for Planning, Programming, Budgeting, Operation,
Maintenance and Disposal of Real Property, dated 05-20-02 (reference p).
2. CANCELLATION. DOE O 430.1A, Life-Cycle Asset Management, dated 10-14-98.
Cancellation of an Order does not modify or otherwise affect any contractual obligation
to comply with such an Order. Cancelled Orders incorporated by reference in a contract
remain in effect until the contract is modified to delete the reference to the requirements
in the cancelled Orders.
a. DOE Elements. Except for the exclusions in paragraph 3c, this Order applies to
all DOE elements listed in Attachment 1 with responsibility for real property
assets, including the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). No
requirements in this order will be implemented in a manner that would conflict
with the provisions of the National Nuclear Security Administration Act.
b. Site/Facility Management Contracts.
(1) Except for the exclusions in paragraph 3c, the Contractor Requirements
Document (CRD), Attachment 2, sets forth the requirements of this Order
that must apply to all site/facility management contracts that include the
(2) This CRD must be included in site/facility management contracts that
involve the acquisition, management, maintenance, disposition, or
disposal of real property assets. Modifications to the CRD must be
reviewed by the Office of Engineering and Construction Management
(OECM) before incorporation.
DOE O 430.1B
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