Data Item Description
Title: Scanning/Digitizing Data Approval Date: 01 June 01
Number: DI-ALSS-81610
AMSC Number: G7440
DTIC: N/A GIDEP Applicable: No
Office of Primary Responsibility: G/DA12-TDM
Provides minimum scanning recommendations for responsible conversion and to achieve an acceptable level of
image quality. The document addresses these formats: text, photographs, and graphic materials. As a rule, the key to
quality scanning is to scan at the resolution that matches the information content of the original, not necessarily at
the highest resolution possible. The scanning shall be provided to ensure a consistent and high quality image and
decrease the likelihood of re-scanning.
This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format and preparation instructions for scanning documentation.
1. Format.
1.1 Use the original or first generation be used to achieve the best quality image.
1.2 Types of Scanning:
1.2.1 Bitonal - One pixel representing black and white. Bitonal scanning is best suited to high-contrast documents
such as printed text.
1.2.2 Grayscale - Multiple bits per pixel representing shades of gray. Grayscale is suited to continuous tone
documents such as black and white photographs.
1.2.3 Color - Multiple bits per pixel representing color. Color scanning is suited to documents with color
1.3 These three modes of scanning require some subjective decisions. Documents, including black and white test
with color makes manuscripts, older printer matter, might be scanned in color to bring out special meaning or
information identified through the color notation and markings. Although bitonal scanning is often used for type
scanning as continuous tone in grayscale or color to being out the shade and conditions of the paper and the
marks inscribed on it.
2. Material formats. The following defines the minimum standards based on the following format types, text,
photographs, maps, graphic material and three-dimensional material represented in two-dimensional format.
2.1 Tonal depth: Bitonal
Format: TIFF
Compression: Uncompressed
Spatial Resolution: 600dpi
2.2 For handwritten or manuscripts that are difficult to read, consider providing a transcript of text using an Optical
Character Reader (OCR). Consideration must be give to the cost of keying the transcription.
2.3 Portable Document Format (PDF) shall be used as the format for creating and displaying text-based files on the
web. The Adobe Acrobat viewer can be downloaded at no charge to view the documents.
2.4 Since many digitization projects are undertaken to increase access, the digital image as a preservation copy is a
natural by product.
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