Title: VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) Documentation
Number: DI-EGDS-81729 Approval Date: 20 DEC 2006
AMSC Number: 7684 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Office of Primary Responsibility: NS/I1S4
Applicable Forms: N/A
VHDL documentation contains behaviors and structural descriptions of an
electronic system, subsystem, or device. The primary purpose of these data items is to
document hardware designs in a machine processable, simulatable, and hierarchical
This Data Item Description contains the format and content preparation
instructions for the data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirement
as delineated in the contract.
The contract will provide a list of Government approved leaf level modules and a
list of VHDL language definitions. The Contracting Officer Technical Representative is
responsible for monitoring the status of the list of Government leaf level modules and
preparing contract modifications to reflect current leaf level module requirements in the
The DD Form 1423 (Block 16) will contain the requirements for preparation of
the deliverable VHDL documentation. The preferred means of delivering all VHDL
documentation shall be machine-readable ASCII files contained on specific magnetic
media and in the machine format required by the Government Activity user. ASCII files
are defined as those satisfying character set requirements of the VHDL Language
Reference Manual. Requirements for preparation of deliverable hard copy (printed-paper
media) documentation shall also be provided on the DD Form 1423 (Block 16). The
preferred documentation shall be comprised of:
a. Nine-track magnetic tape, 1600 bits per inch, unlabeled, 80-character records,
and a blocking factor 1920 (i.e., 24, 80-character records per block). A label
containing text identifying the tape contents shall be affixed to the tape reel.
b. Hard copy (printed on paper) containing the machine loading instructions and
the contents of the file #1 and file #2 on the tape (Section XXX).
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