Title: Electromagnetic Interference Survey (EMIS) Test Procedures
Number: DI-EMCS-81782 Approval Date: 20090915
AMSC Number: N9087 Limitation:
DTIC Applicable: N/A GIDEP Applicable: N/A
Office of Primary Responsibility: SH/05H3
Applicable Forms: Use/Relationships: This EMIS for surface ships describes the
methods of test, analysis and inspection used by the contractor to verify compliance with
the Electromagnetic Environment Effects (E3) interface and performance requirements of
shipboard systems. The EMIS provides the means for the government to understand and
duplicate verification methods used by the contractor to verify EMC requirements.
This DID contains the format and content preparation instructions for obtaining the data
from work tasks described in 5.0 of MIL-STD-1605.
This DID is related to DI-EMCS- 81777
1. Reference documents. The applicable issue of the documents cited herein, including
their approval dates and dates of any applicable amendments, notices, or revisions, shall
be as cited in the solicitation or contract.
2. Format. The EMIS shall be in contractor format and shall include signature
certification by a qualified representative of the executing activity.
3. Content. The EMIS test procedure shall contain:
a. Ships name, hull number and location during tests.
b. Executive summary containing a brief description of the test methodology, safety
guidance and potential issues in the execution of the test procedures.
c. List of the systems to be measured, description of the test methods being used,
and detailed procedures for each EMC requirement and system being tested
d. The test equipment to be used including their calibration date and versions of
software the test equipment utilizes;
e. The number of test points required.
3.1 Phase I details shall include the following:
a. Each Phase I requirement
b. Photographs or diagrams of the test setup with identification of all components.
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