Number: DI-EMCS-82017 Approval Date: 20160404
AMSC Number: 9611 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: Yes GIDEP Applicable: N/A
Office of Primary Responsibility: DTRA-DS
Applicable Forms: None
The High-Altitude EMP (HEMP) Hardness Maintenance (HM) and Hardness Surveillance(HS)
(HM/HS) Plan describes HM and inspection procedures, HS test procedures, re-verification test
procedures, supply support and training requirements, and technical data requirements for
implementing the HM/HS Program described in MIL-STD-4023, section 5.3. The purpose of the
HM/HS plan is to ensure that the ship-hardening is preserved throughout its service life.
A HEMP HM/HS Plan is required to mitigate unacceptable degradation of the ship’s HEMP
Protection Subsystem (HPS) that occurs over the life-cycle. The Plan provides the means to
ensure that government prescribed methods and procedures are used by ship maintainers and that
fielded ships subjected to normal wear and tear or undergoing planned modifications remain
HEMP-survivable over their life-cycle.
1. This DID contains the format and content preparation instructions for data resulting from the
work tasks described in section 5.3 of MIL-STD-4023 and is intended for ship systems. It is
normally applied immediately after ships are delivered to a user command.
2. This DID is related to DI-EMCS-82013.
1. Reference documents. The applicable issuance of the documents cited herein, including their
approval dates and any applicable amendments, notices, or revisions shall be as cited in ASSIST
Online at the time of the solicitation; or for non-ASSIST-listed documents, as stated herein. The
High-Altitude EMP Hardness Maintenance and Hardness Surveillance Plan classification shall
be determined using DTRA Security Classification Guide for DoD Electromagnetic Pulse
(EMP) Programs and Activities (U) available by mail request to ATTN: J9/NT-NTSA/Rooney
M., Defense Threat Reduction Agency, 8725 John J. Kingman Road, MSC 6201 Fort Belvoir,
Virginia 22060-6201 and any relevant system specific classification guides.
2. Format. The Plan shall be in contractor format.
3. Content. The Plan shall describe the plans and procedures used in the HEMP Hardness
Maintenance and Hardness Surveillance Program for each requirement specified in the contract
for the ship being developed. The inspection and test methods are written to be applicable at
varying levels of maintenance including shipyard and operational level maintenance.
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