Number: DI-ENVR-81014A Approval Date: 20170531
AMSC Number: 9813 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Preparing Activity: MI Project Number: ENVR-2017-006
Applicable Forms: N/A
Use/relationship: This Data Item Description (DID) describes the overall Environmental
Stress Screening (ESS) plan, as developed after required studies. This document will be used by
the procuring activity for review, approval, and evaluation of the contractor’s ESS program.
a. This DID contains the format, content, and intended use information for the data
deliverable resulting from the work task described in the solicitation.
b. This DID supersedes DI-ENVR-81014.
1. Reference documents. None.
2. Format. The ESS Procedures and Implementation Plan format shall be contractor selected.
Unless effective presentation would be degraded, the initially used format arrangement shall be
used for all subsequent submissions.
3. Content.
3.1. The ESS Procedures and Implementation Plan shall identify and describe planned contractor
activities for implementation of ESS requirements of the contract.
3.2. The ESS Procedures and Implementation Plan shall contain a complete listing of all tests to
be conducted for the primary purpose of obtaining data for use in the evaluation of the contract
item or any constituent elements thereof. The test plan shall include the following:
a. Test objectives and requirements of each test.
b. Test item configuration description and quantity to be tested.
c. Test conditions, environmental, operational and performance profiles, and the duty cycle.
d. Test schedules and milestones, including the test program review schedule.
e. Test conduct ground rules, failure criteria, and interface boundaries.
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