Title: Human Engineering Design Approach Document - Operator
Number: DI-HFAC-80746C Approval Date: 27 Aug 2012
AMSC Number: 9277 Limitations:
DTIC Applicable: GIDEP Applicable:
Office of Primary Responsibility: AM - HQ US Army Materiel Command
Applicable Forms:
Use/Relationship: The Human Engineering Design Approach Document – Operator
(HEDAD-O) describes equipment that interfaces with operators. This document provides a
source of data to evaluate the extent to which equipment having an interface with operators
meets human performance requirements and human engineering criteria, and provides the human
engineering rationale for the design.
a. This data item description (DID) contains the format and content preparation instructions for
the HEDAD-O resulting from applicable tasks delineated in the statement of work (SOW).
b. This DID supersedes DI-HFAC-80746B.
1. Reference documents. The applicable issue of the documents cited herein, including their
approval dates and dates of any applicable amendments, notices, and revisions shall be as cited
in Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information System (ASSIST) database at the
time of the solicitation.
2. General. The HEDAD-O shall describe the layout, detailed design, and human engineering
design rationale of hardware and software operator interfaces, and provide information about
operator tasks associated with the interfaces. The HEDAD-O shall describe the extent to which
human performance requirements have been addressed and applicable human engineering design
criteria (per specifications and standards cited in the SOW and system specification) have been
incorporated into the layout and detailed design of hardware- and software-based operator
interfaces. As applicable, results from analysis of operator tasks shall be presented as part of the
rationale supporting the layout, design, and arrangement of operator interfaces.
3. Tailoring. The HEDAD-O shall be tailored to reflect the SOW, system specification, and the
scope of the user interface development. The proposed tailoring of the HEDAD-O content shall
identify the paragraph, the proposed changes, and a rationale. Tailoring specified by the
procuring agency shall also be included. If no tailoring is proposed beyond that specified by the
procuring agency, this shall be stated.
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