Number: DI-HFAC-81202A Approval Date: 20150413
AMSC Number: N9534 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Preparing Activity: SH Project Number: HFAC-2015-009
Applicable Forms:
Use/relationship: The Noise Control Program Plan (NCPP) describes the compartment and on-
deck station noise performance limits and the procedures the Contractor will implement to
manage, procure, analyze, train, design, review, construct, inspect, and test to verify that the as-
delivered ship complies with the noise performance limits stated in the contract specification(s).
a. This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format, content, and preparation
instructions for the data generated in response to the applicable tasks in the contract
statement of work.
b. This DID supersedes DI-HFAC-81202.
1. Format. The NCPP shall be in the Contractor’s format.
2. Content. The NCPP shall contain the following sections:
a. a title page,
b. a revisions page,
c. a table of contents including a list of appendixes,
d. a list of figures,
e. a list of tables,
f. the main body of the plan,
g. references, and
h. appendixes, as applicable.
2.1. The NCPP shall identify the following key personnel by name and title, and their role in
implementing the NCPP:
a. senior management,
b. procurement and contracts,
c. administration,
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