Number: DI-HFAC-81204A Approval Date: 20150413
AMSC Number: N9537 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Preparing Activity: SH Project Number: HFAC-2014-017
Applicable Forms:
Use/relationship: The Airborne Noise Analysis Report details the Contractor’s analysis
performed to satisfy the airborne noise requirements of the contract specification(s). This
analysis provides the Government with the information necessary to assess the adequacy of the
contractor’s design with respect to specified airborne noise requirements.
a. This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format, content, and preparation
instructions for the Airborne Noise Analysis Report generated in response to the
applicable tasks in the contract statement of work (SOW).
b. This DID supersedes DI-HFAC-81204.
1. Format. The Airborne Noise Analysis Report shall be in the Contractor’s format.
2. Content. The Report shall contain a description of the method(s) used to predict noise levels
and to analyze potential airborne noise level deficiencies in ship spaces.
2.1 The Report shall identify all assumptions and shall also contain detailed information that
will allow for technical reviews of all calculations, analysis, and verification of results.
2.2 The Report shall contain a summary of the analysis for each ship space which has a
specified noise criterion and shall include:
a. The specified airborne noise category and acceptance criterion and the rationale for the
assignment of that noise category.
b. The predicted noise level and the rationale for the selection of the noise control
treatments included in the ship design.
c. Listing of the noise source for each space including a description of the transmission path
for acoustic energy for each of the sources.
d. Identification and description of the noise control treatments applied to each space.
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