Number: DI-HFAC-81743 Approval Date: 20070404
AMSC Number: N7716 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: N/A GIDEP Applicable: N/A
Office of Primary Responsibility: N/AIR 4.6
Applicable Forms
Use/relationship: The Human Systems Integration Program Plan (HSIPP) describes the
contractor’s human systems integration (HSI) program, identifies the HSI elements, and how
the HSI domains will be managed and integrated with other program elements.
a. This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format and content preparation
instructions for the HSIPP resulting from applicable tasks delineated in the contract
Statement Of Work (SOW).
1. Reference documents. The applicable issue of the documents cited herein, including their
approval dates and dates of any applicable amendments, notices, and revisions shall be as
cited in the current issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards
(DOD ISS) at the time of the solicitation.
2. Format. The HSIPP format maybe be contractor selected but shall contain all of the
Elements discussed below. Unless effective presentation would be degraded, the initially
used format shall be used for all subsequent submissions. All updates shall be conspicuously
indicated in a manner consistent with standard editorial practices.
3. Tailoring. The HSIPP may be tailored to reflect the program needs, acquisition category
and phase of development. Additionally, the HSIPP shall contain proposed tailoring of the
requirements and guidelines as applicable to the contract, in addition to any tailoring already
accomplished by the procuring activity. Proposed tailoring of the guidelines shall identify
specific provisions, by paragraph, as applicable including supporting rationale. If no
tailoring is proposed beyond that specified by the procuring activity, this shall be stated.
4. Content. The HSIPP shall contain the following information:
a. Table of contents, list of illustrations, acronyms/abbreviations.
b. Overview. Provide the HSIPP purpose and scope, system description, mission
description, operational environment, predecessor system(s) and related lessons learned,
system acquisition strategy, acquisition category and phase of development. Describe the
overall Human Systems Integration (HSI) objective and integration strategy of individual
HSI domain objectives. Describe what must be accomplished in the application of HSI to the
system development, consistent with the contract statement of work (SOW), system
requirement and specification(s) and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
Organization Identify and describe the contractor’s primary organizational element(s)
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