Title: Custom Microcircuit Procurement Plan
Number: DI-MISC-81710 Approval Date: 24 NOV 2006
AMSC Number: 7664 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Office of Primary Responsibility: NS/I5231
Applicable Forms: None
This plan shall document the delivery, test, and production schedules for each
microcircuit vendor producing custom integrated circuits for this contract.
This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format and content preparation
instructions for the data generated by the specific and discrete task requirements outlined
in the contract. The term microcircuit or custom microcircuit, as used in this data item
shall refer to both custom integrated circuits and hybrid microcircuits unless otherwise
1. Reference Documents: None.
2. Format. The report shall be in the contractor's format.
3. Content. The plan shall include the following;
3.1. Title page that includes the contract name, contract number, contractor name, date of
preparation, security classification, and document title.
3.2. Plan objectives.
3.3. Identification of the delivery, test, and production schedules for each microcircuit
vendor producing the custom microcircuits. The schedules shall be documented in either
bar graph or calendar format.
3.4. Identification of the number of devices scheduled for delivery, test, and production
each month the custom parts are procured.
4. END OF DI-MISC-81710
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