Title: Recurring Hardware Requirements Verification Documentation
Number: DI-NDTI-81942 Approval Date: 20130827
AMSC Number: N9427 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: N/A GIDEP Applicable: N/A
Office of Primary Responsibility: SH/PEOSUB/PMS404
Applicable Forms: N/A
Use/Relationship: The Hardware Requirements Verification Documentation will be used to
obtain detailed information on plans and procedures used to meet the specific requirements of the
product in order to demonstrate traceability to each applicable Performance Specification and
Drawing Requirement.
This Data Item Description (DID) contains format and content preparation instructions for the
data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirement as delineated in the contract.
1. Format. The Hardware Verification Documentation shall be in the contractor's format.
2. Content. The Verification Documentation shall contain a title page specifying the following:
a. CDRL number
b. Contract number
c. Contractor's name and address
d. Date of issue
e. Distribution statement
f. Security classification (if applicable)
g. Revision date (if applicable)
h. Record of changes (if applicable)
3. The documentation shall include in detail, the Contractor's plans for conducting all recurrent
tests and how he plans to analyze the test results to show how the hardware items satisfy the
requirements of the applicable design and performance specification(s).
4. The documentation shall include the following information for each hardware item:
a. Requirements traceability matrix
b. Details how each design and performance specification requirement will be verified.
c. Identity of the assembly level at which verification will take place.
d. A list of the test and inspection procedure reference(s) that will be used for
5. The documentation shall contain a flow diagram that reflects the functional description and
location of the manufacturing test program, including Highly Accelerated Stress Screening
(HASS), within the prime Contractor's and suppliers' facilities. A block diagram portrayal of the
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