Title: Transportability Report
Number: DI-PACK-80880C Approval: 1 November 2003
AMSC Number: A7357 Limitation:
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Office of Primary Responsibility: MT
Applicable Forms:
Use/Relationship: The Transportability Report will be used to obtain essential information from
contractors for evaluating the transportation limitations and restrictions of Department of Defense
equipment that qualifies as a transportability problem item.
a. Information acquired through this report will include dimensional and weight
characteristics of the item or system, test results of physical transportability testing performed on
the equipment, and when available, computer aided design (CAD) models of the equipment to
support structural, kinematic, and dynamic analyses of the transportation environment, and results
of any CAD structural, kinematic, or dynamic analyses performed by the contractor.
b. This Data Item Description (DID) contains information on the format and data content for
the work task described by 4.5 of MIL-STD-1366D (or equivalent paragraph in later versions of
this standard) and is applicable to acquisition of military systems and equipment that qualify as a
transportability problem item. This DID can be tailored to program requirements with approval
of the service transportability agent. The applicable service transportability agents are as follows:
Army – MTMCTEA, ATTN: MTTE-DPE, 720 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite 130, Newport
News, VA 23606, dpemail@tea.army.mil.
Air Force - HQ AFMC/LGRD, 4375 Chidlaw Road, Suite 6, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
45433-5006, gregory.holevar@wpafb.af.mil.
Navy – Naval Transportation Support Center, Code 02A, 1837 Morris Street, Bldg Z-133,
Norfolk, VA 23511-3492, jo.policastro@navy.mil.
Marine Corps - CG, MARCORSYSCOM, ATTN: GTES/Transportability, 2200 Lester
Street, Quantico, VA 22134-6050.
c. During acquisition programs this DID should be applied at least 90 days prior to each
major milestone decision review.
d. This DID supersedes DI-PACK-80880B.
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