Calibration and l(easuremefitRequirements Summary (CMRS)DI-OCIC-80278A3 DESCRIPTIONIPuRPOSE3.1 Tnig Dar,aiLem bescriptlon (DID) deflne9 the COntent and format requirements COvereOby the task to develop data as specifiedin 5. or MIL-STD-1839.3.2 The CMRS cletails the measurement requirements of tne system, 9u09ystem, or equipment;the test, mesaurament, and diagnostic equipment (TlfYE):and the callDration standards; A>PmOVA.DATES OFFICEOFPRIMA*YRfW0N5fSlLlTYIOPR)bb GIDEP@Fcw,Q$:J(YmchsDo)8810287 APPL,CA1,OWI#N7ERREL&-;ONS”lP7.I Tnis DID satisfiea requirements or DOD Directive 4155.I, ~arama~ha C.1-2 and E.2.b ~implemented by AFR 74-2, AR 750-25, NAVELEX 4355.2, and MCO 4733.1.7.Z This DIO Contaiszthe format and content preparation ln9tructIons for that data gener-ated under uork task as spacified in 5. of HIL-STD-1839.7.2 TiniaDID is applicabla to the acquisition of all military syst~s. subsyste~. andequipment. (Continued on PaEe 2)8 AOO?O”A.lIM!lATIONw APPLICABLEFORMS SbAMSCNuMUER.<,‘VZAaa7iM.IN$TRbC~IONS10.?Reference dbcumenLs.the ?.ppiicableiesue of the documenLs cited herein, includingtheir anprovai da[ea and dates of any applIcable amentimenLA, notices, and revisions, shallbe as specified in tne conLracL.lC.2 Generzl.The Calibration and Measurement Requirements Summary (CllRS)shall documentin derail the measurement requirements of the system, subsystem, or equipment: tne test,measurement, and diagnostic equipment (mDE); and the callbratiOn standarde and equtwen~‘“ all neasure!nent.sto approved national standarda. Itrequires to assure Lt’6ceaiiiitJ-.shall ensure that:a.All 0Pe2aLi0nal aysten, subsystem.,am? eCSCipreen:callbrat!an and measurementrequiremez:$ are identifietiand traceableto the National Institute of Sandarda anCTechnology (NIST), or oLher DOD-approved messurament eourcea.b.All supporting T?4DEidentlfled are adequate to Support tbe operational system,fjubayscffi,ant emea9uremen: rsaulrements. c.p.1I ~“pp~~ting TMOE that require CalIbratim are Callbrated with CalitsrationancMeaSUFeMen: equimnent of higher known accuracy.i~. j .Ld.7.i::Lstr::l,:C !:fmvtim.a. Classified informaLion snail not ba listed inthe CURS.(Continued on Page 2)Downloaded from