Title: Engineering Judgement Record (EJR)
Number: DI-QCIC-81822 Approval Date: 20100630
AMSC Number: N9145 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: N/A GIDEP Applicable: N/A
Office of Primary Responsibility: SH/SEA 04L2
Applicable Forms: N/A
Use/relationship: The Engineering Judgement Record (EJR) sets forth and consolidates into
one document, the engineering analyses and reasoning in support of all deviations to tolerances,
limits, and other parameters documented in a depot level Technical Repair Standard (TRS). The
EJR is applicable to each weapon system, equipment, component, assembly, or subassembly for
which a TRS is prepared. The EJR should accompany the submission of the TRS (MIL-DTL-
24784/7), but will not form a part of the TRS. Development of TRSs are in accordance with
Technical Manual Contract Requirements (TMCRs) based on the requirements of MIL-DTL-
This DID contains the format and content preparation instruction for the data product generated
by the specific and discrete task requirement as delineated in the contract.
1. Format. The Engineering Judgement Record (EJR) shall be presented in the contractor’s
2. Content. The EJR shall contain a cover sheet identifying the configuration item by code,
mark, mod, effectivity, and applicable TRS(s).
3. The EJR shall contain the following sections:
3.1 Designated Overhaul Activities (DOAs). The DOAs section shall identify the TRS(s)
applicable and the specific rationale/justification required in support of each TRS cited.
3.2 Specialized Overhaul Activities (SOAs). The SOAs section shall identify the applicable
TRS and shall contain the rationale/justification required in support of each TRS cited.
3.3 Designated Repair Activities (DRAs). The DRAs section shall identify the applicable TRS
and shall contain the specific rationale/justification required in support of each TRS cited.
3.4 Tender Repair (TR). The TR section shall identify the applicable TRS and shall contain the
specific rationale/justification required in support of each TRS cited.
4. End of DI-QCIC-81822.
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