Title: Critical Safety Item, Characteristic and Critical Defect Report
Number: DI-SAFT-80970A Approval Date: 2 June 1998
AMSC Number: A7314 Limitation:
DTIC Applicable: N/A GIDEP Applicable: N/A
Office of Primary Responsibility: A/AMSTA-AR-QAW
Applicable Forms:
Use/relationship: The Critical Safety Item, Characteristic and Critical Defect
Report identifies components, assemblies and processes with one or more
critical characteristics that if not conforming to the design data or quality
requirements would result in an unsafe condition. This report also identifies the
occurrence(s) of critical defects, event rates, investigation results, corrective
action and notification actions.
a. This DID contains the format and content preparation instructions for the data
product generated by the specific and discrete task requirements as delineated in
the contract.
b. This DID supersedes DI-SAFT-80970.
c. This DID is applicable to the acquisition of designs or hardware with items
considered to have, or potentially have, critical parts or characteristics in the
technical data package.
d. This DID may be tailored on DD Form 1423 for the particular acquisition. If
the acquisition includes both design and hardware, tailoring may not be
1. General: Definitions applicable to this DID are as follows:
a. Critical Item: A part, assembly, installation, or production process with one or
more critical characteristics that, if not conforming to the design data or quality
requirements, would result in an unsafe condition.
b. Critical Characteristics: Any feature (e.g., tolerance, finish, material
composition, manufacturing, assembly, inspection process) of product, material,
or process, which if nonconforming or missing could cause the failure or
malfunction of the critical item.
2. Format: The Safety Report shall be in contractor format. Hard copy
submittals shall be on 8 ½ by 11-inch bond paper. Electronic/computer
generated reports approved by the procuring activity shall be printable in the
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