Title: Explosive Hazard Classification Data
Number: DI-SAFT-81299B Approval Date: 20030411
AMSC Number: F-7144 Limitations: None
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Preparing Activity: F/40
Applicable Forms: None
Use/Relationships: The purpose of this DID is to obtain the necessary information for assigning hazard
classifications, such as hazard class/division, storage compatibility group, and Department of Transportation
(DOT) marking. These classifications establish the procedures for the storage and transportation of the item for
all user elements.
This DID is applicable to the acquisition of any new explosive item or component which has not previously
received an approved hazard classification.
This Data Item Description contains the content and format preparation instructions for data products generated
by Mil-Std-882 and any specific and/or discrete task requirements delineated in the contract. Data Items which
relate to this DID are DI-SAFT-80101B, System Safety Hazard Analysis Report; DI-SAFT-80105B, System
Safety Program Progress Report; DI-SAFT-80106B, Health Hazard Assessment Report
This DID revises DI-SAFT-81299A, 31 July 1995.
1. Reference documents. The applicable issue of the documents cited herein, including
their approval dates and dates of any applicable amendments, notices, and revisions, shall
be as cited in the current issue of the DODISS at the time of the solicitation; or, for non
DODISS-listed documents, as stated herein.
2. Format. The data shall be in contractor format.
3. Content.
3.1 Type of classification: Include a statement of the type of classification being sought, either interim or final.
3.2 Hazard classification data: The data necessary for assignment of hazard classification will be supplied in
the format as shown below, using additional pages if sufficient space is not available. The “used on” or
“used with” hardware item(s) will be identified, including their ancillary or delivery equipment. For
interim hazard classifications, some of this data may not be available, but all should be available for final
hazard classifications.
3.2.1 Nomenclature - (Ref. FED-STD-5).
3.2.1 Part number(s) and CAGE number: Prime contractor and vendor(s).
3.2.3 National stock number.
3.2.4 System used on. System in which the subject item is associated.
3.2.5 Next assembly. Next higher assembly subject item is a part of
3.2.6 Size. Size of unpacked item.
3.2.7 Weight. Weight of unpacked item.
3.2.8 Explosive or chemical formulation. Include type, composition, and total weight of each explosive or
chemical subassembly in the item (e.g., detonator, booster, squib, rocket motor, etc.).
3.2.9 Weights of explosive or chemical material.
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