Title: Operating, Support, Health, and Safety (OSH&S) Hazard
Analysis Report
Number: DI-SAFT-81841 Approval Date: 20111108
AMSC Number: N9216 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: N/A GIDEP Applicable: N/A
Office of Primary Responsibility: SH/PMS394
Applicable Forms: N/A
The Operating, Support, Health, and Safety Hazard Analysis
Report (OSH&S) Report are used to systematically identify and
evaluate health hazards, evaluate proposed hazardous materials,
and propose measures to eliminate or control these hazards
through engineering design changes or protective measures to
reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format and content
preparation instructions for the data product generated by the
specific and discrete task requirements as delineated in the
1. Format. The OSH&S report shall be in the contractor’s
2. Content. The report shall contain a title page specifying
The following:
a. Title/identification of the system/component/program.
b. Title of Document
c. Contract number
d. Preparing activity or contractor’s title
e. Security classification, when required.
f. Distribution statement
g. Date of generated document
3. Content. The report shall contain the following sections:
3.1 System description. The system description shall contain a
summary description of the physical and functional
characteristics of the system and its components.
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