Title: Critical Safety Item (CSI)/Critical Application Item (CAI) List
Number: DI-SAFT-81932 Approval Date: 20130827
AMSC Number: N9417 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: N/A GIDEP Applicable: N/A
Office of Primary Responsibility: AS/AIR
Applicable Forms: N/A
Use/relationship: The CSI/CAI List shall be used to detail the system CSI/CAI and to provide
relevant selection information.
This DID contains the format, content, and intended use information for the data product
resulting from the work task described in the contract Statement of Work (SOW).
1. Format. Contractor format.
2. Content.
2.1. Title Page, containing the following:
a. Title/identification of the system/component/program/project.
b. Title of CDRL and CDRL number
c. Contract number.
e. Security classification, when required.
f. Distribution Statement.
2.2. Table of Contents. The document shall contain a table of contents providing the number,
title, and page number of each titled paragraph, figure, table, and appendix.
2.3 CSI List. This section shall list in tabular form the Critical Safety Items of the system of
interest. The table shall include part number, nomenclature, next higher assembly, next higher
assembly nomenclature, next higher assembly part number, CSI or CAI designation, and if the
part was classified on the basis of component cost or damage. If the component was classified
on the basis of cost the list shall also include the component or associated damage cost value.
3. End of DI-SAFT-81932.
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