Title: Shipboard Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM) Report
Number: DI-SAFT-82081
AMSC Number: N9733
DTIC Applicable: No
Preparing Activity: SH
Applicable Forms: N/A
Approval Date: 20161004
Limitation: N/A
GIDEP Applicable: No
Project: SAFT-2016-012
Use/Relationship: This DID will provide documentation that the contractor is in compliance
with the requirements for controlling the shipboard handling and removal of ACM.
This DID contains the format and content preparation instructions for the data product generated
by the specific and discrete task requirement as delineated in the contract.
Format. The report shall be in the contractor’s format.
Content. The report shall include the following:
Notifications made to regulatory authorities, regarding ACM removal.
Written notice for each job/separate area of ACM removed/damaged aboard ship where there
may be ACM shall contain:
Ship’s name and hull number
Work Item number
Class of activity and type of insulation, lagging, deck tile, underlayment, and mastic, i.e., ACM
or possible ACM (provide basis for determination)
Date and time to start work
List of regulated areas, decontamination areas, and engineering controls to be established.
Results of lab analysis of air monitoring certifying the area to be less than 0.1 asbestos fibers
longer than 5 micrometers per cubic centimeter of air.
End of DI-SAFT-82081
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