Number: DI-TMSS-80527B Approval Date: 20061017
AMSC Number: 7595 Limitation: No
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Office of Primary Responsibility: TM
Applicable Forms: None
Use/relationship: Commercial Off-the-Shelf Manuals may be used as is or with
supplementation to support COTS equipment used by DOD. This DID is used to:
a. Acquire sample COTS manuals for evaluation.
b. Acquire COTS manuals which have been evaluated and found to be acceptable.
c. Acquire associated supplemental data, if required.
This DID contains format, content, and intended used information for the data deliverable(s)
resulting from the work described in MIL-PRF-32216.
This DID supersedes DI-TMSS-80527A, dated 21 May 97.
1. Content. The manual shall contain all technical information on the assembly, installation,
operation, parts, and maintenance of commercial equipment.
2. Evaluation. The manual shall be evaluated using the criteria found in MIL-PRF-32216.
3. Supplementation. The manual may be supplemented with additional data to comply with
contract. Supplemental data shall be prepared in accordance with MIL-PRF-32216.
4. Format. The basic manual shall be in the contractor's format. Supplemental data shall be in
the format specified by the contracting activity.
5. Digital files. Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs) or PDF are preferred for
electronic COTS manuals.
6. PDF Files. PDF files shall be searchable, capable of having links added, and have fonts
embedded. A list of preferred fonts is provided in MIL-PRF-32216.
7. IETMs. IETMs shall meet the general style and format and user interface requirements in
MIL-PRF-87268 or MIL-STD-40051-1 (Army only).
8. Paper manuals. If paper manuals are acquired, the data shall be clearly legible and on paper of
sufficient quality for long term use.
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