Title: Diagram-Oriented Documentation System Configuration/Maintenance Diagram
Sub System Manual (Sanitized)
Number: DI-TMSS-81673A Approval Date: 17 JAN 2007
AMSC Number: 7697 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Office of Primary Responsibility: NS/DA023
Applicable Forms: N/A
Use/relationship: The Diagram-Oriented Documentation System (DIODS)
Configuration/Maintenance Diagram (CMD) Subsystem Manual provides maintenance
and repair instructions and procedures in a pictorial fashion as opposed to a narrative-
type presentation. Text is used sparingly to augment illustrations, diagrams, flowcharts,
a. This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format and content preparation
instructions for the data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirement as
delineated in the contract, MIL-STD 38784(1), “Standard Practice for Manuals, Technical:
General Style and Format Requirements” (entire document), and of DS-83, “Data
Standard for Preparation of DIODS Manuals.”
b. Illustrations and engineering drawings shall be in accordance with DI-DRPR-81678,
“Engineering Documentation Product Drawings, Sanitized” or DI-DRPR-81679,
“Engineering Documentation Product Drawings, Modified and Sanitized” as stated in the
c. Not authorized for use with Air Force Technical Orders (TOs).
1. Reference documents. The applicable issue of the documents cited herein, including
their approval dates and dates of any applicable amendments, notices, and revisions, shall
be as cited in the current issue of the DODISS at the time of the solicitation and for non
DODISS-documents (DS-83), as stated herein. DS-83 (current edition) is available at the
National Security Agency, Acquisition Logistics and Deployment Review, 9800 Savage
Rd, Suite 6129, Fort Meade, Md. 20755-6129, Attn: DA02.
2. Format. The DIODS CMD subsystem manual shall be on 11 X 17 inch paper and
conform to the format requirements stated in MIL-STD-38784(1). Security classification
markings shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-38784(1).
3. Content. The contents of the DIODS CDM subsystem manual shall be in accordance
with of DS-83.
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