Number: DI-TMSS-81784A Approval Date: 19 Apr 11
AMSC Number: 9189 Limitation:
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Office of Primary Responsibility: TM
Applicable Forms:
Use/relationship: This Data Item Description (DID) and MIL-STD-3031 shall be used to
document project-specific business rules for the preparation of technical publications in
conformance with S1000D. This DID and Appendix C of MIL-STD-3031 contain the
format, content, and intended use information for the data product resulting from the
work task described, and is applicable to the acquisition of military technical data.
1. Reference documents. The applicable issue of the documents cited herein,
including their approval dates and dates of any applicable amendments, notices, and
revisions, shall be as cited in accordance with the Acquisition Streamlining and
Standardization Information System (ASSIST) database (at http:/assist.daps.dla.mil/) at
the time of the solicitation; or, for unlisted documents, as stated herein.
2. Format. The Army S1000D Project Business Rules shall be in the contractor’s
format of choice, with the exception of Appendix A which shall be consistent with the
table provided in Appendix C of MIL-STD-3031.
3. Content. The Army S1000D Project Business Rules shall include:
3.1. Cover. A front cover sheet shall include the contract’s name and address, the
contract number, the nomenclature of the system or program, the date of the project
business rules document, the security classification, and the name of the issuing
Government activity.
3.2. Introduction. The introduction shall be a brief description of the program that
includes estimated milestone dates related to technical data, high-level technical data
functionality (paper or Interactive Electronic Technical Publication (IETP), the use of the
process data module, etc.), and any other significant information helpful in describing the
product and its technical data and use.
3.3. Paragraphs 1 through 7 shall include additional narrative descriptions for the
project decisions provided below. These project decisions require narrative descriptions
that are typically not suitable for Appendix A.
3.3.1. Definitions of information sets. The project shall decide which information sets
are to be used and the definition of their content (from S1000D Chapter 3.3 – Information
generation – Information sets). This shall include a list of those information sets from
Appendix A of MIL-STD-3031, the completed functionality matrix, and the
corresponding completed content selection matrices that have been selected for
development by the project.
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