Title: Contractor's Configuration Management Plan
Number: DI-CMAN-80858B Approval Date: 20000930
AMSC Number: D7392 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Office of Primary Responsibility: D/DUSD(AT&L)SE
Applicable Forms: N/A
Use, Relationships: The Contractor's Configuration Management (CM) Plan describes the
contractor's configuration management program, how it is organized, how it will be conducted,
and the methods procedures and controls effective configuration identification, change control,
status accounting, and audits of the total configuration, including hardware, software and
firmware. The principle use is to provide the government a basis for review, evaluation and
monitoring of the CM program and its proposed components.
This Data Item Description (DID) contains the content and preparation instructions for the data
product resulting from the work task specified in the contract.
Data Item Description submittal in Extensible Markup Language (XML) is acceptable. An XML
Document Type Definition (DTD), associated XML document template, and other information is
available from http://www.geia.org/836/
This DID supersedes DI-CMAN-80858A.
1. Reference documents. The applicable issue of any documents cited herein, including
their approval dates and dates of any applicable amendments, notices, and revisions, shall be as
specified in the contract.
2. Format and content. The Contractor's CM Plan shall be prepared in contractor format.
The Contractor's CM Plan content shall be in accordance with the contractor’s processes and
procedures, or as specified in the contract. The following references may be useful in defining
content: ANSI/EIA-649-1998, National Consensus Standard for Configuration Management
(paragraphs 5.2.5 and 5.3.3); ISO 10007, Quality Management-Guidelines for Configuration
Management; and MIL-HDBK-61, Configuration Management Guidance (Section 2 and
Appendix A).
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