s APRIL 1sS9
1.1 AppUmbiMJ. Thin
specification shall
apply to all supplka (including equipments,
sub+@euM. and ayatema) or services when
re.famced in the ttem ~flcation, contract
or order. .
12 Cafietrml Intent. This speeii%etion
requiree the estabtiehment
of ● quafity p-
- by the contractor to assure compliance
with the requirernenta of the contract. The
P~ and pti- aced
to implement
tbia specificationshall be developed by the
matmctor. The quali@ p~
Pmcedurm, pmceasea and prwluct shaII be
doceahented and shall be subj~” tn review
by the Government Representative. The qual-
ity pm
subject to the iliaappmval of
the O&wrnment Representative whentier
the contmctor’s pmcaduma do not accOm-
pliab their objectives. The Ckwmrmnent, at itc
option, may furntsh written notice
of the
ameptiwb of
the contractor’a quality pm
Is Summary. An@ective-and-ie6nemical
qtmltm program, Ptmmed -and develod in
mnmnanee wtth -the eontractor”a
other ad-
ministrative and technieal programe, ia m-~
@=d k *h. @L=IticIn- D=@
of the
shall be bc+se.dupon coneidemtion of
the technleal and numufacttkng aspecte
pmductton and retated engineating ddgn
and materials. The progmrn shall amure
adequate qoality thmugfiout all areaa of con-
tract perfonnmmx for example, design, de-
velopment, fabricating, pmceaaing, a=embly,
iaapection, teat, maintenance, packaging,
.ahippi-fi storage’and site installation.
All supplies end aerviecs under the cnn-
tract, whether matmfaetumd
or performed
wit.lin the eantractm% plant or at any OthFr- .
source. shall be contmlted at all potnts. n=-
eaamy to as-sum
conformance to c@mcted
requirements. The program shall pmvi& for
the prevention and ready detection of db
crepanci- and, for tiinely and poeitive ear.
rectiye action. The enntractor akafl meke
objedtive evidenm
of quality coafonnanee
readily available to the Oovermnent RePre-
aentativ~ Instructions and mcards for qual-
ity must be contmtled.
The. authorib
and responsibility of three
in charge of the desti pmdnctkm teatiag,
and inspection of qtilty eball be ek8rIY
stated. The
pmgmm otmll feciitate. deter-
-tiona of the ethcta of quality deficiencies
and quality coata on pti Facilitim and
such ae dralrtng% engineering
chaageaj meeaurtng equtpment and tbe tike
which are
necersery for the creation of the
mquked quality ahatt * effectivdy mauaged.
The program ahitl include an dTc$tlve coa-
of tXUCbKd DIIIteriafa and mbcootrd-
.e2f work. Manahhwing,’ fabndkm .aad
.mxwmbly work ~ducted wlthtn the coatmc-
tor”a plaut shall be eontrolkd camptetely
The qualitv program shalt aleo inclade wf-
fective ,a-tioa of reaponaiitte3 abared
jointly with the
Oevemmmt or relatedto
CWermaent functieoe, eueh M control of
Oovermnent “property and Oovennnent
source impectien.
1.4 Math to Other Contract Reqoire-
menta. Thie specification ●nd any procedure or
dmument cut~uted in imph%en~~ &e@_
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