Trends in the International Security Environment
1. Global security environment is mainly characterized by the following major
trends: the acceleration of globalization and regional integration, along with the
persistence of actions that aim for state fragmentation; reasonable convergence of efforts
to establish a new stable and predictable security architecture, accompanied by
heightened anarchic tendencies in some regions; renewed efforts by states to preserve
their influence in the dynamics of international relations, along with developing new
forms of intervention and increasing number of non-state actors in international relations
2. Currently, there is a reconfiguration in the diagram of power relations: from a
bipolar world, in which the U.S. and USSR fulfilled the role of superpowers and regional
powers had little significance, a turn is made to another type of global security system. In
the first possible variant of evolution, a single superpower, a megapower, ie U.S., must
meet the demands and challenges that sometimes occur from the rising regional powers,
creating a unipolar global security system. The second trend of evolution of the global
security environment, to multipolarity, is dependent on the capacity and interests of some
regional powers.