ISBN: 978-81-8274-657-2
9 788182 7465729
Krishnappa Venkatshamy
Research Fellow, Institute for Defence
Studies and Analyses (IDSA). His research
interests include India’s grand strategy,
global governance, security politics of
Israel and comparative strategic cultures.
His recent publications include- Global
Power Shis and Strategic Transition in Asia
(ed.), Academic Foundation, 2009, India’s
Grand Strategic ought and Practice*(ed.),
Routledge, (forthcoming November
2012). He previously led the IDSA National
Strategy Project (INSP). He is currently
leading the Strategic Trends 2050 Project, an
interdisciplinary study of long-term strategic
futures, sponsored by the Defence Research
and Development Organisation (DRDO).
Princy George
Research Associate at the Institute for
Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA)
and works with the Africa, Latin America,
Caribbean and UN Centre and the IDSA
National Strategy Project. Her current
research focuses on the recent Arab
revolutions, and the impacts of these on
the region and the Western Sahel states.
Her other research interests include
India’s grand strategy and the
Israeli-Palestinian conict.
Venkatshamy & George
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995 $ 29.95
Grand Strategy
for India
2020 and Beyond
Krishnappa Venkatshamy
Princy George
is volume presents perspectives on
issues of importance to India’s grand
strategy. Number of Experts discuss
wide ranging security concerns:
socio-economic challenges; regional
and internal security challenges;
emerging challenges in foreign policy
domain etc. e volume also addresses
recent and emerging security
threats such as le wing extremism,
international terrorism, climate change
and energy security, and the role of
these for framing a national security
strategy for India. e authors in the
volume oer insightful answers to
questions such as: What might India
do to build a cohesive and peaceful
domestic order in the in the next
decades? How could India foster a
global consensus on the global
commons that serve India’s interests
and values? What strategic framework
will optimise India’s eorts to foster a
stable and peaceful neighbourhood?
Grand Strategy for India
2020 and Beyond