Guidelines for PGLD Sensitive Case Reports
(January, 2016)
1. Process for reporting
The case worker should prepare a Sensitive Case Report (SCR) within 5 days of case
assignment. Disclosure Managers (DM) can also make an SCR determination. Input
"SCR" in the Subject Line within the case in AFOIA as soon as possible, even if in
advance of finalization of the SCR. Follow the approval path established by your Area
to elevate the SCR to Area leadership: caseworker to DM; DM to Area Technical
Advisor (TA); TA to both Area Deputies. Area leadership will approve/reject the SCR
and ensure reconciliation with the Bi-Weekly SCR prepared for Directors PGLD and
2. Format for reporting
Use the most recent PGLD Sensitive Case Report form.
Complete the SCR as stated below:
• Requester Name: Enter the name of the individual making the request and their
association. Example: J. Smith, Reporter USA Today, or J. Smith IRS Territory
Mgr. If the requester does not have an association, and then enter “(Self)”.
• Case Number: Enter AFOIA case number.
• Sensitive Case Criteria: Check applicable box. Additional information will be
included in the Case Summary. See Criteria for initiating an SCR below.
• Disclosure Received Date: Enter the date the request was received in
Disclosure. Where there is a substantial difference between this date and the
date when the report is completed, please provide an explanation for the delay in
the Case Summary section of the report.
• Due Date: Enter the original due date
• Case Summary: Enter a brief description of the issue(s) in the case (do not
include an entire history sheet of the case). Do not use abbreviations and
consider the audience. Do not include names unless the specific names are part
of what makes the request sensitive. Be succinct.
• Action Plan: Enter a brief explanation of the recent activity and a plan of action.
(Do not include an entire history sheet of the case.)
• Submitted By: Enter caseworker Name
• Date: Enter date SCR completed
Remember, a SCR should be a summary of a case and case activity. The report should
be no longer than 1(one) page. Upload the completed SCR to the Research Folder in