DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Air Force Job Qualification
Standard Headquarters Air Force 8U000 Unit Deployment Manager
Washington DC 20330-1030
09 July 2013
Certified Current 19 July 2017
Air Force Job Qualification Standard (AFJQS)
Unit Deployment Manager (UDM)
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-publishing website
at www.e-publishing.af.mil for downloading or ordering.
RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.
1. PURPOSE. As directed by AFI 10-403, Deployment Planning and Execution, this
AFJQS identifies the minimum training required to become a UDM (both military and
civilian). This AFJQS also applies to additional duty UDM’s where appropriate. This
AFJQS is a stand-alone product and does not require an accompanying Master Training
Plan (MTP) and/or Individual Training Plan (ITP). This AFJQS applies to the Total Force
and may be supplemented to capture unique requirements not common across the Total
Force. This AFJQS will remain in effect until superseded or rescinded.
2. TASK QUALIFICATION. All personnel authorized to sign off tasks (trainee, trainer,
and supervisor, as a minimum) in the AFJQS must be listed in the identification block.
UDMs will be qualified to the GO/NO GO standard for all tasks listed in this AFJQS. GO
means the individual can perform the task without assistance utilizing appropriate
instructions or other procedural guidance. If required training listed in Part II of this AFJQS
is provided through OJT, in-residence, distance learning (DL), or web-based courses, a
supervisor/trainer from that respective functional area (e.g. a supervisor assigned to the
Command Post certifying SORTS training) and/or a supervisor/trainer assigned to Plans &
Integration will complete the trainer’s block to document training completion. Airmen
serving as UDMs in special duty 8U000 and those appointed in an additional duty capacity
must complete all duty position qualifications within 12 months of initial appointment.
3. ADDITIONAL DUTY or TASK. If a UDM is assigned an additional duty or task not
listed in this AFJQS, the supervisor will develop an AF IMT 797, Job Qualification
Standard Continuation/Command JQS. The supervisor/trainer will then develop a plan for
the UDM to receive training and become duty position qualified.
4. RECERTIFYING. For tasks previously certified and required in the current duty
position, circle the subparagraph number next to the task statement and enter the current
date in the completion column followed by the trainee’s initials in the trainee column and
the current supervisor’s/trainer’s initials in the trainer column.