Headquarters US Air Force CFETP 2A8X1X
Washington, DC 20330-1030 24 Jun 2019
ACCESSIBILTY: Publications and Forms are available on the E-Publishing website at: for downloading or ordering.
RELEASIBILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.
1. This change is effective immediately and affects all 2AXXX career fields and CFETPs.
2. Replace all Time in Training requirements (upgrade and retraining) with the following:
5 level - RegAF: no minimum/15 month maximum. ARC: no minimum/no maximum
7 level - RegAF: no minimum/8 month maximum. ARC: no minimum/no maximum
Data has shown that the 2AXXX AFSCs in aggregate completed all upgrade core tasks at
the 8 month mark for the 5 level and at the 3 month mark for the 7 level. Previous USAF
training policy mandated a 12 month minimum time in training, regardless of the AFSC,
dynamics of the AFSC, and requirements for that AFSC. Thus USAF policy was changed,
now each Air Force Career Field Manager has the ability to set AFSC specific time in
training requirements. The change for the 2AXXX community will provide our maintainers
and supervisors the agility to request upgrade for our maintainers when they are ready based
on their assessment and not tied to a minimum time. Unit commanders still approve all
upgrade requests. The new maximum time in training sets expectations for our maintainers
in upgrade training, based on the averages mentioned above. It also provides for a
systematic timeline if a maintainer surpasses the maximum time leading into the 24 month
progress review per policy. Additionally, the new policy gives waiver authority to unit
commanders regarding time in training as well as awarding Primary AFSC. Example, SrA
Smith selected for promotion to SSgt enters and completes all upgrade requirements in 6
months. The unit commander was authority to award the 7 skill level Primary AFSC before
SrA Smith sews on SSgt. Note: Control AFSC does not change.
3. The maintenance badge will be awarded in conjunction with skill-level upgrade.
Maintainers currently wearing the badge that do not meet this new criteria may continue to
wear the badge, essentially grandfathered-in, but all future award or upgrade of the badge
will be at the prescribed skill-level:
Basic: Wear the basic badge after award of the 5-skill-level
Senior: Wear the senior badge after award of the 7-skill-level
Master: Wear the master badge after award of the 9-skill-level
Current guidance for occupational badge award criteria is listed in AFI 36-2903, dated 18
Jul 2011. The new AFI 36-2903 is in final coordination and will no longer have the criteria
for earning the maintenance badge, only how the badge is worn. Therefore, this new
criteria will be managed by the CFMs and documented within the respective maintenance